Zoglins now take damage from the healing effect and are healed by harmful effects.Hoglins are now running away from Rebirth Anchors.Wither Skeletons now automatically attack Piglins and Hoglins.Hoglin Cubs and Zoglin Cubs now have a drop from the player's death.
Now the Piglins are offering Nether bricks in exchange, not blocks of Nether bricks. Distorted fungi can now grow in crimson forests. Zombie Piglins no longer hang over Striders while riding them. The fire of souls no longer melts snow and blocks of ice. Piglins now offer the same items in exchange as in the Java Edition. Lanterns can now be placed underwater, and they will not collapse. Hoglins now give not 10 XP, but 20 XP when they die from the player. Piglins and Piglins-beasts now retain their equipment when zombifying. Piglins now drop their inventory when they are zombified. Striders with passengers can now be tamed. Basalt deltas now have basalt ceilings. Sand shower valleys now have ceilings covered with soil shower and sand shower. Generation of floor and ceiling surfaces now corresponds to Java Edition. Now the chains can be placed horizontally. Cod and salmon killed by fire are now dropped as cooked food. Players can now create farmlands using the '/give' command and select them using the 'Block Selection' (middle mouse button). Blackstone can now be used to create cooking racks. Pistons can no longer be pushed above the building height limit or into the void. The wings of the Phantoms now make sounds. Trading discounts from the "Hero of the Village" effect and the healing of zombie inhabitants now correspond to the Java Edition. Netherite armor no longer loses strength when standing on magma blocks.
The movement of the Netherite in the lava has been corrected.
Experience balls are now floating in the water. Dynamite is no longer activated when a red torch is placed directly on it. Now it takes a little more time to destroy basalt blocks. Basalt can no longer be destroyed by Ghast fireballs. Undamaged items will no longer prevent damaged items from being repaired. Dolphins now dry out at the same rate as in the Java Edition - 120 seconds. Sea turtles now play a sound when they lay eggs. Over a dozen new Character Editor items have been added to the game and can be unlocked with achievements. Completely updated achievement screen and updated achievement pictures.
It seems that the new release version Minecraft PE (Bedrock) 1.16.101 will be the biggest technical update in the history of the game, because the developers have fixed a huge number of bugs in it, added even more parity with the Java Edition, added managed blocks and their models, and also made a huge number of changes for map creators and Add-ons!